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Bible Teacher
Prayer Leader


About Lars


Lars Enarson is an author, prolific Bible teacher, international prayer leader, and has been in full time ministry since the early 1970s. His passion is to see a restoration in our day of the original, apostolic gospel from Jerusalem. Lars resides in Israel with his family ...

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The Joy of the Whole Earth
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Jerusalem Day: May 25-27, 2025​


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Birth Pangs of Messiah: The Salvation of Israel




Lars has been teaching Schools of Prayer for over 30 years. Complete with a Study Manual, these four sessions have inspired thousands around the world to develop a powerful, personal prayer life and to pray for revival. About the School of Prayer >

“The end of all things is near. Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray” —1 Peter 4:7

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Get the book or E-book THE TRUTH ABOUT PALESTINE: ”But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me’” (Gen 32.26). God is calling us to persevere in prayer for the Nordic Prayer Conference BACK TO JERUSALEM in Ljungskile, Sweden January 2-4, 2025 until there is a breakthrough! During 2025, the Lord will raise up prayer day and night for a mighty revival from the Nordic countries down across Europe back to Jerusalem. Please Note! We will live stream the conference in Ljungskile so that you can join us in prayer via the internet wherever you live! _________________________________ *** SUPPORT THE CONFERENCE: Mark your gift “Ljungskile” _________________________________ *** PRAYER FOR REVIVAL IN THE NORDIC COUNTRIES AND EUROPE EVERY OTHER MONDAY 7 PM (Finland 8 pm, UK and Faroes 6 pm, Iceland 5 pm)! Next time Dec 2. See! _________________________________ PRAYER TOPICS 1. Pray that the Lord gathers his surrendered prayer warriors to the conference in Ljungskile! "Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice" (Ps 50.5)! 2. Pray for forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing between different parts of the body of Christ! ”Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 Jn 4.11). 3. Pray that God will meet with us in a mighty way during the conference! ”O Lord, I have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy” (Hab 3.2). 4. Pray that the conference will birth a united prayer, day and night, in 2025, for the fulfillment of the promise of revival from the North down through Europe back to Jerusalem! ”And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night?” (Lk 18.7) 5. Pray that the Lord will send out laborers to the huge harvest fields in Europe! ”When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’” (Mt 9.36-38). 6. Pray that young people will come to the conference and be called to holy service for God! "Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, your youth will come before you in holy garments” (Ps 110.3 Translated from the Swedish Bible). 7. Pray that God will provide all the financial needs for the conference! "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Eph 3.20-21). *** LARS' WEBSITE: *** SUPPORT THE MINISTRY: *** JOIN the Nordic prayer movement *** SUBSCRIBE YouTube: *** iTunes PODCAST: *** ODYSEE VIDEO: #Prayer #Preaching #BibleTeaching #prophecy #revival #EndTimes #Israel #Jerusalem #LarsEnarson #watchman #Sweden #Scandinavia #norden714 #Jesus #Christ #Yeshua #Bible #bibleproject #prayeralert #schoolofprayer


TILLBAKA TILL JERUSALEM FRÅN EUROPA! Ta del av den spännande berättelsen om vad som händer i Norden 7:14. Bön dag och natt bereder vägen för Herren från norr tillbaka till Jerusalem. ”Skulle då inte Gud skaffa rätt åt sina utvalda, som ropar till honom dag” (Luk 18.7) OBS! Budskapet i videon är på engelska! *** Välkommen till vår konferens TILLBAKA TILL JERUSALEM i Ljungskile 2-4 januari 2025! BACK TO JERUSALEM FROM EUROPE ”And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night?” (Lk 18.7). Listen to the exciting story of what is happening in the prayer movement Nordic 7:14. Through prayer day and night we prepare the way for the Lord from the north back to Jerusalem. *** Join our upcoming BACK TO JERUSALEM CONFERENCE in Ljungskile, Sweden January 2-4, 2025! *** BÖN PÅ ZOOM FÖR VÄCKELSE I NORDEN VARJE MÅNDAGSKVÄLL kl 19 (kl 20 i Finland, kl 18 på Färöarna och kl 17 i Island)! OBS! Ojämna veckor på engelska tillsammans med bedjare från Europa! Var även med i bön för Israel på Teams varje söndagskväll! *** PRAYER FOR REVIVAL IN THE NORDIC COUNTRIES AND EUROPE EVERY OTHER MONDAY 7 PM (Finland 8 pm, UK and Faroes 6 pm, Iceland 5 pm)! Next time Sep 23. See *** STÖD VÅRT ARBETE: Sverige: BG 609-2316 TWI Skandinavien, Norge: VIPPS: 638666 På Jerusalems Murar 1506.22.63269 Övriga länder: PayPal Tack för din gåva! *** SUPPORT OUR WORK: Sweden: BG 609-2316 TWI Skandinavien, Norway: VIPPS: 638666 På Jerusalems Murar 1506.22.63269 All other countries: *** Arrangera en Israelkväll i ditt område med pastor Sonny Lindgren från Norden 7:14! Kontakta Sonny på *** BÖNEÄMNEN 1. Bed för den utlovade väckelsen från Norden ner över Europa tillbaka till Jerusalem! ”Se, Herren förkunnar till jordens ände: Säg till dottern Sion: Se, din frälsning kommer! Se, han har med sig sin lön, hans segerbyte går framför honom” (Jes 62.11). 2. Bed för vår konferens TILLBAKA TILL JERUSALEM i Ljungskile 2-4 januari 2025! "då blev huset, Herrens hus, uppfyllt av ett moln, så att prästerna för molnets skull inte kunde stå där och göra tjänst. Ty Herrens härlighet uppfyllde Guds hus” (2 Krön 5.13-14). 3. Pray that the spirit of grace and supplication will fall on God’s people to pray day and night for the promised revival until Messiah comes! ”Skulle då inte Gud skaffa rätt åt sina utvalda, som ropar till honom dag” (Luk 18.7) *** PRAYER TOPICS 1. Pray for the promised revival from the North down across Europe back to Jerusalem! ”Behold, the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the earth: Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him” (Isa 62.11). 2. Pray for our upcoming BACK TO JERUSALEM CONFERENCE in Ljungskile, Sweden January 2-4, 2025! "And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in" (Isa 58.12). 3. Pray that the spirit of grace and supplication will fall on God’s people to pray day and night for the promised revival until Messiah comes! ”And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night?” (Lk 18.7). *** STÖD VÅRT ARBETE: Sverige: BG 609-2316 TWI Skandinavien, Norge: VIPPS: 638666 På Jerusalems Murar 1506.22.63269 Övriga länder: PayPal *** GÅ MED i #Norden714, en bedjande gräsrotsrörelse på Bibelns grund, som ropar till Gud för Nordens länder utifrån löftet i 2 Krönikeboken 7.14. Anmäl dig till armén med Tiotusen Bedjare! *** Beställ den nya boken SANNINGEN OM PALESTINA! *** GÅ MED i #Norden714, en bedjande gräsrotsrörelse på Bibelns grund, som ropar till Gud för Nordens länder utifrån löftet i 2 Krönikeboken 7.14. Anmäl dig till armén med Tiotusen Bedjare! *** GRATIS BÖNESKOLA på fyra lektioner. Ladda ner Böneskolan gratis som ljudfil samt studiebok på Följ via: *** YOUTUBE: *** ODYSEE VIDEO! *** FACEBOOK: *** ITUNES: #bibeln #bön #Bibeln #Jesus #böneskola #bibelskola #väckelse #svpol #LarsEnarson #LarsEnarsson #Sverige #Israel #Norden714 #Sverige714 #Norge #Danmark #Island #Finland #Åland #Färöarna #svpol #migpol #konservatism #socialism #Jesus #JesusKristus #kyrka #predikan #kyrka #bibelstudie #ekumenik #enhet #väckelse #vedermödan #uppryckandet #teologi


”Blow the trumpet in Zion; consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly” (Joel 2.15). Sep 3 to Oct 2 is the month of repentance on the Bible calendar. It is the sixth month that leads up to the Feasts in the seventh month that prophecy about the coming of Messiah. During this month, the shofar are sounded every morning in all synagogues to awaken God's people to repentance. It is a time to seek a closer fellowship with God and to renew our first love for the Messiah. This year, prayer movements in Sweden have decided to announce three days of fasting September 24 - 26 to seek God. Fast in the way you can and have the opportunity to. Let us cry out to God for our countries that He will have mercy on us. We are arranging a youth conference in Stockholm focusing on teaching about marriage and family Nov 29 – Dec 1!! We want to raise up a new, God-fearing generation in the Nordic countries that breaks with the woke culture and is equipped to establish homes where the whole family serves God!!! *** NOW IN ENGLISH! PRAYER FOR REVIVAL IN THE NORDIC COUNTRIES AND EUROPE EVERY OTHER MONDAY 7 PM (Finland 8 pm, UK and Faroes 6 pm, Iceland 5 pm)! Next time Sep 23. See! *** SUPPORT OUR WORK: Sweden: BG 609-2316 TWI Skandinavien, Norway: VIPPS: 638666 På Jerusalems Murar 1506.22.63269 All other countries: PRAYER TOPICS 1. Pray for an awakening among God's people to repent and turn to God! ”Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Messiah will shine on you” (Eph 5.14). 2. Pray that many will heed the call to fast on Sep 24-26! "’Yet even now,’ declares the Lord, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; … Blow the trumpet in Zion; consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly” (Joel 2.12, 15). 3. Pray for the promised revival from the North down across Europe back to Jerusalem! ”Behold, the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the earth: Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him” (Isa 62.11). 4. Pray for the youth conference in Stockholm 29 Nov – 1 Dec that God will raise up a new, God-fearing generation in the Nordic countries that breaks with the woke culture and is equipped to build homes where the whole family serves God! "And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in" (Isa 58.12). 5. Continue to pray for a wide distribution of the newly released book The Truth About Palestine – Israel, the Bible and Battle for the Truth! ”Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you” (2 Th 3.1). Get the book or E-book THE TRUTH ABOUT PALESTINE: *** LARS' WEBSITE: *** SUPPORT THE MINISTRY: *** JOIN the Nordic prayer movement *** SUBSCRIBE YouTube: *** iTunes PODCAST: *** ODYSEE VIDEO: #Prayer #Preaching #BibleTeaching #prophecy #revival #EndTimes #Israel #Jerusalem #LarsEnarson #watchman #Sweden #Scandinavia #norden714 #Jesus #Christ #Yeshua #Bible #bibleproject #prayeralert #schoolofprayer

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